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The Rochester Salvation Army is helping families deal with inflation back-to-school shopping

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Families will spend billions of dollars to prepare to send their students back to class in the fall.

ROCHESTER, Minn. - Families will spend billions of dollars on back-to-school shopping this year alone in the U.S. It's a record amount as inflation drives up the cost of supplies. 

The Rochester Salvation Army is partnering with other area organizations to lend a helping hand. 

The organization is helping kids ‘dress for success’ by taking them to shop for for new back to school clothes on August 18th. 

Rebecca Snapp, Director of Community Engagement with Rochester Salvation Army says it's not only easing a financial burden on families, but it's leaving a positive impact on children to be able to go back to school in style.

“If something like making sure they have back to school clothing that fits them and is new, that provides that important impact and that makes them feel like they are capable, they are possible, and they are  just like the rest of their peers, then that's what we need to do,” Snapp says. 

She hopes this program can be a supplement to other back to school programs like United Way's Back-to-School Supply Drive. 

“It’s one of those things that can really make a child feel their need. We always want/need to be invisible if we can, we never want it to be an issue. We never want kids to feel they are different from their peers, because their parents can't afford to buy them clothing when they go back to school.” 

Wednesday night the city of Leroy is holding a free school supply distribution at 6 p.m. 

Thursday August 4th, Austin Public Schools is giving away 300 backpacks at Shirley Theel Park from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. 

Thursday, August 11th, The Salvation Army in Mason City will be holding a back to school drive at the Community Health Center.

The Salvation Army is also seeing an increase in the number of people coming for housing and food assistance. To donate or learn more about the programs and services they offer,  visit here


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