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Ceremony held to honor veterans in Preston

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PRESTON, Minn.-The Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs held a ceremony at each of the state veterans cemeteries in Minnesota today for Memorial Day. Before the ceremony in Preston began, M-Saxteen played several songs. After this, people listened to the national anthem, a regional pastor asked God for a blessing on the day, and many veterans approached the podium in a parade of flags. Around the end of the event, a rifle squad fired several blanks into the air. Hundreds of people came to the ceremony. Robert Gross, the cemetery administrator, explained how veterans can live on even after they die.

“As long as we have memories of our loved one, as long as we have memories of our military that have fallen-are no longer with us, that they continue to live on, so the statement that we often make is, ‘no veteran ever truly dies as long as they’re remembered by a grateful nation,'" Gross said.

The other two ceremonies took place in Duluth and Little Falls.

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