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"Smooth Summer Nights" event series begins

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ROCHESTER, Minn.-The four-night event series "Smooth Summer Nights" has begun at Sargent's North. That's the garden center located on 18th Avenue Northwest. It's sponsored by Merchants Bank. You can head over there and have some food provided by local food trucks. Tonight, the local band "Amateur" is playing. The other three nights will have different bands.

“Businesses should connect with their community because that’s-that’s who supports us, and so if that’s not a cyclical relationship…it’s not a long-term relationship. That’s a big part of sustainability," Ben Vaughn, the marketing manager for Sargent's, said.

"Smooth Summer Nights" first started at Sargent's North back in the summer of last year. If you'd like to know when the rest of those free-to-attend events are, click here.

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