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Breastfeeding celebration held in the Med City

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ROCHESTER, Minn.-An annual breastfeeding celebration was held today at Soldiers Field Veterans Memorial. The Olmsted Area Breastfeeding Coalition organized the event. The purpose of the event was to celebrate breastfeeding families in the community and connect them with various breastfeeding items like nursing bras and organizations like the Minnesota Milk Bank for Babies. The mothers who attended were encouraged to get pictures of them and their babies that described their breastfeeding experiences. Molly Mustafa, one of the members of the coalition, said public breastfeeding should be normalized.

“Ideally, it would just be that people could feel free to breastfeed wherever they’re at without feeling like they’re doing something wrong or they need to cover up or worrying about that other people are maybe going to say something to them or harass them. Unfortunately, that does happen quite a lot," Mustafa said.

The coalition plans to encourage area businesses to adopt positive breastfeeding policies. For more info on the coalition, click here.

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