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Salem Glen Winery hosts Annual Art Fair

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ROCHESTER, Minn.-An annual art fair was held today at Salem Glen Winery. Over 20 local vendors participated in this fair. A wide variety of good were available for purchase. Highlighting the creativity of the area was the purpose of this art fair. Vendors were allowed to retain all of the money they got from selling their items.

“It feels good. This sounds weird, but I get an idea in my brain and it feels like an itch that needs to be scratched in somewhere of…something that I feel like needs to exist, and so when that piece finally comes to fruition, it’s-it’s really exciting and fulfilling,"  Heather Holmes, a local artist, said.

If you want to help Salem Glen Winery with their harvest and learn more about the winemaking process, they'll have some picking events in September.

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