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City asks community members to water young trees

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ROCHESTER, Minn.-The City of Rochester Parks and Recreation Department is asking homeowners who've had trees planted on their boulevards within the last three years to water them. Younger trees with smaller root systems need extra care since they're more susceptible to drought stress. If a tree is one inch thick in diameter, you need to give it 10 gallons of water a week. If it's two inches, then that's twenty gallons of water per week and so on and so forth. Experts say it's also important that you give a young tree its water at its main root ball.

“If everyone can help out watering the trees, it can help protu-like-protect our future canopy, ensure better shade for those really hot, sunny days, better air quality, better water quality. Shades do a lot for people as they continue to grow," Anna Houston, a climate impacts corps member for the City of Rochester Parks and Recreation Department, said.

In order to minimize water loss, she said it would be a good idea to water the trees in the morning. For more information on taking care of trees, click here.

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