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Beekeeping demonstration held in Rochester

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ROCHESTER, Minn.-The Bee Shed gave a presentation on bees and pollinators at Sargent's on 2nd today. John Shonyo, one of the owners of The Bee Shed, talked about how bees survive the winter in Minnesota, how honey is made, and why the North American bee population is declining. The presentation also had an observation hive, where people could see how bees work and where queens lay their eggs.

“Honey bees, specifically, are responsible about-for about a third of our food production, so without bees we’d be missing primarily things that people like like fru-lotta fruits, lotta vegetables. We would not have those because wouldn’t be anything to pollinate’em," Shonyo said.

The Bee Shed plans to hold classes on beekeeping later this year.

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